Monday, October 19, 2009


Readership, the constant and highly controversial debate over abortion is, in my humble opinion, fucking retarded. This statement might piss a few of you off. Did it piss you off?


People need to get pissed off. That's the only way shit changes.

But I digress.

Abortion is, to put it simply, the killing of an unborn fetus while it's still in the womb. Usually an abortion is used for "accidental" pregnancies (i.e. "we were drunk" or "the condom broke," etc.).

I don't like abortions. But in my dislike for them, I realize something else. Let me spell it out real nice for you.

Unless either A) I'm a blood relative of the woman considering having an abortion or B) I put the baby INSIDE the woman considering having an abortion, MY OPINION DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. What I absolutely HATE is when people try to convince other people not to have an abortion, or to have an abortion. WHO THE FUCK CARES WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THIS? Is it YOUR child? Are YOU gonna be paying for all the food and clothes and diapers and school and doctors visits and all that? FUCK no you're not.

Let me be perfectly clear. It's one thing to express your opinion. The First Amendment of our Constitution allows for freedom of speech, and the fact that it's the FIRST Amendment tells you how important our Founding Fathers thought it was to have such a freedom. And furthermore, if you'll note this very post, above, you'll see that I myself expressed my opinion, and said "I don't like abortions." So I'm NOT against people expressing their opinion; it's what this country was born to do.

All that said, it is another thing ENTIRELY to attempt to foist your opinion on someone else. Like the fucking decision isn't difficult ENOUGH already? You feel the need to make these people feel even worse? Fuck you.

Once again. If you're not either A) Related to the mother, B) Responsible for the child, or C) Willing to pay 100% of the expenses that bringing the child into the world will accrue (food, medical, clothing, diapers, etc.), then guess what?

YOU HAVE NO SAY. Leave the potential parents to make their fucking decision in peace.

And God, whatever you assholes do, PLEASE . . .

Stay classy

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