Monday, January 5, 2009

Something that Maria Noticed for which I'm Taking Credit

In the very first post of this blog (and I use the term "blog" lightly), I say that there will probably be a fair bit of cursing, as a warning to potential readers (it must've kept them away. As far as I know, my readership consists of A-Ham, Coinstar, Marteen, Maria, and me). In the unlikely event that someone read the blog and recommended it to someone, I wanted there to be no secrets between reader and blogger. I was laying everything out on the table before shit went down.

From the sidebar archive system on this blog, I can see that since early September of 2008, when this whole business started, I've made twenty-two separate posts (not counting this one).

The word "fuck" appears a total of twenty-one times. Of those twenty-one, one appeared as part of an AIM conversation between my suitemates that I reproduced as your Christmas present. In addition, one was said by my amazing girlfriend, Maria, in the second post of this blog, in an accurate description of herself.

So, personally-conceived iterations of "fuck" appeared a total of nineteen times in twenty personally-conceived posts (that's twenty-two posts total, minus the AIM convo and Maria's self-observation). Now, obviously each post doesn't have "fuck" in it (I'm positive there's at least one where I don't say "fuck"). But if you go by the average, then if you picked a post at random, there would be a 95% chance that "fuck" would be in there at least once.


So much for trying to keep it reasonably clean.

And in case you're wondering, in this post I said "fuck" five times.

Wait . . . six.

Fuck it.

Stay classy


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