Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Don't You Have a Dayjob?

Readership, as a college student, I see a lot of weird shit on a regular basis. From transvestites to midgets, and from blonde Asians to (what I'm pretty sure are) crackheads, I've seen it all over this past year and a half. But this semester, I've seen something that both puzzles me and pisses me off.

Watch any movie about college and there's a good chance that you'll see the "40+ single mom that's taking night classes to get her degree" character, and those definitely exist. I have one such woman in my Emergence of Global Society class at 6pm (tonight, actually), who is not only out of her fucking mind, but has also hit on me repeatedly (in English AND Spanish).

This doesn't bother me ("this" being the presence of 40+ single moms in night classes at colleges across the country. every time she hits on me I get hella uncomfortable, cuz she's old and ugly). Having a mother who goes to night school in order to get her Masters for Education, I can understand both the need for the class and the need for the timing (aka at night). My mom is far too busy during the day with teaching and being a mom to be taking classes, and thus she's usually up until untold hours of the morning doing homework and the like.

What DOES bother me, however, is the class I'm in right now, which has not one, but TWO OLD DUDES. One of them looks like he's at least 28, and the other at least 35. The fucked up part? THEY BOTH DRESS LIKE THEY'RE MY AGE. The younger one has the single diamond stud, the big "I'm a thug" watch, the spiked hair and the fly kicks. The older one rocks Ed Hardy like it's his fucking job, with the small-brimmed baseball-esque caps that all you white people love to wear - and WRINKLES FIT FOR A 50-YEAR-OLD WOMAN on his face. And even more fucked up? They're CONSTANTLY trying to mack on this one girl who (I'm pretty sure) is a freshman. So we have a 30+ year old guy going after some 18 year old chick (who is admittedly attractive, but that's not the point). What the fuck.

Why are these guys here? Why don't they have jobs - no, fuck a job, at 35 you need to have a CAREER. Shit man, please don't let me be still taking daytime classes when I'm 35, hitting on 18 year old chicks. If that's my fate, snuff me out NOW.

Old bastards. Sorta failing at that whole "livin' life" thing, aren't you?

Stay classy

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