Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Yet ANOTHER Thing that I Hate

Yup, readership, I'm back with something else that pisses me off. You can add this to bottled water, newer Cartoon Network, the Land Before Time, people who act retarded, shoes that make noise, Nostradamus, Kanye West and stupidass commercials. My path to Lewis Black-ness is almost complete haha.

But I digress.

Something that I've noticed people doing a lot lately (not specifically this example, but this is the format) is as follows:

Person A: Do you want a Coke or a Dr. Pepper?
Person B: Yes.

Let us examine this bullshit for a moment. Person B has been given two options (which, I might add, are QUITE different), and instead of opting for one or the other, or even giving the much-hated "I don't care"/"surprise me" response (fucking HATE that), they've chosen to respond with "Yes." Yes what, dumbass?


And whatever you do

Stay classy

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