Tuesday, November 18, 2008

No Sound = No Sense

I'm not sure how many of you have been to college or are currently in college (haha like anybody reads this), but at least at St. John's University (where I am), in the main dining hall, there are a bunch of TVs up on the walls. These TVs are perpetually tuned to the MTVu channel, which is supposed to be MTV for college people. About 95% of the time that I actually allow my eyes to wander over to the TV screen closest to me (I really don't like MTV, but that's a completely different observation), there's a music video playing. The only thing is, I'm in a crowded, noisy dining hall. Thus, I can't hear the lyrics of the song for shit. This poses an interesting problem. Have you spotted it?

I'm only getting half the experience. I'm getting all the booty-shakin' and rim-spinnin' and all that, which, granted, really doesn't need lyrics these days to have it make sense. 90% of music videos seem to have either booty-shakin' or rim-spinnin' or both (don't you like these impromptu statistics?), so that's nothing new.

The stuff that gets me, though, is the weird shit. Like today, I watched a music video from start to finish (I don't remember the artist's name, but it was two twin ladies, apparently). In the video, one of the twins was walking through what looked like Mexico while these two guys carrying this huge mirror walked beside her, such that we saw her and her reflection in the mirror. Her reflection's hairstyle was different, she wasn't wearing earrings, and her dress was different. I later realized that this had to be her sister, but it still begs the question . . .

What the hell? What the hell is going on? I don't understand what in the hell she could've been singing about that would allow her and her mirror-dwelling twin to be walking through Mexico and for it to make sense.

Similarly, the next video was a Common song (I don't remember the title of the song). He and a computer-animated robot with red eyes were rapping, and there was just a bunch of weird robot stuff going on. I'll give Common the benefit of the doubt because I don't hate him like I hate Soulja Boy, but I'm still drawing a blank as to what the hell he could've been rapping about that would allow the robot and all the robot-related tomfoolery to make sense.

I dunno, people. Modern music throws me for a loop, apparently.


Stay classy.

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