You're doing your laundry. You set your phone's alarm for five minutes before the drying cycle is supposed to be done, because you know that about 90% of the time, your clothes come out anywhere from slightly damp to downright moist even after 45 full minutes of spinning and evaporation-inducing heat.
The elevator door slides open, the wave of humidity smacks you in the face, and you walk out into the laundry room, turn left, and -
What the fuck!? Your clothes are thrown willy-nilly on the counter. But the surprises aren't over yet - you look past the pile of clothes and see that the timer on the dryer you were using has 40 minutes left out of 45. You specifically remember, however, that you set your alarm so that you'd come down to get your laundry with five minutes left on the timer.
You do some quick mental math and realize that some douchebag decided that your clothes would magically be perfectly dry after only 35 minutes of drying, rather than the dryer-recommended 45, and took your clothes out ten minutes early to put his or her own in. I mean, you could understand if there were like two or three minutes left and the poor sap was in a hurry because he had to print twelve pages and was late for class (LIKE YOU WERE), but TEN MINUTES?
You're pissed about the fact that some dickhead took your clothes out ten minutes before they were done, but then you turn to the pile and pick up the first shirt - and it's like a wet sponge. So, in their infinite assholery, not only did this person take out your clothes ten minutes early to put their own in, but in doing so they actually touched your clothes and REALIZED THAT THEY WERE STILL WET! What kind of retard takes WET clothes out of the dryer - moreover, someone ELSE'S wet clothes - to put in MORE wet clothes? That makes less sense than bottled water AND this combined!
End scenario.
Except, to me, that was no scenario. That was about two hours ago.
For God's sake people!
Stay classy
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