Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Doubleservation Part 1: Shower Time

Whew, are you guys in for a treat today. Since I've been so swamped with personal shit these past couple days, I haven't had a chance to really get to put the observations I've made up here. So, you lucky bastards get a double feature! I'm gonna make two separate observations for you - IN ONE DAY!


Anyway, the Doubleservation Part 1: Shower Time

As a respectable human being, I take a shower every day. Through my shower-taking escapades here at St. John's, I've come to realize something: shower time for me is a time of great intrigue. Allow me to elaborate.

Since August of 2008, when I first arrived at St. John's University, I've fallen asleep in the shower at least 6 times (that's being conservative. It was probably more like 10). In addition, I've zoned the fuck out at least 3 times and only come rushing back to reality upon the realization that the water hitting me was ice cold. And the kicker? Once out of those 6 to 10 times that I fell asleep in the shower, I woke myself up . . . by way of fart.

What is it about the shower that lends me to these interesting incidents? What exactly causes me to fall asleep/zone out/fall asleep and fart to wake myself up? My roommate Okneje, a philosopher of sorts (you should hear his thoughts on how VH1 and MTV are in league to destroy the image of the American Black Man), theorizes that once the water hits my head, I'm lulled into a deeper state of consciousness than in my normal, non-shower-taking moments.

I can fucks with that. I'm sure all of you get that "oooooooooh that feels goooood" feeling when the hot water hits you at that first moment too.

. . . right?

Whatever, screw you too!

Stay classy

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