Monday, July 20, 2009

You Paid HOW much for that Quarter?

Hey there readership. Today, my dad got the elusive final quarter in that 50 States quarter thing that the US Mint started a few years back, which gave each state a quarter with its name, motto, date of admission into the Union, and a picture on the tails side (standard George Washington on the heads side). Basically, my dad's got this huge folding cardboard map of the United States with fifty quarter-sized holes in it in each of the states. Whenever the US Mint came out with the next state quarter in the series, he'd try to get one and put it in this map. And now, with the elusive Hawaii finally in his possession, the collection is complete. Now, he thinks it's worth something.

If it is, that's fucking sad.

I mean, coins can definitely have sentimental value - I even have a couple half-dollars that were given to me by a close family friend before she passed away. I can even KINDA see coins having some kind of monetary value, like Buffalo Head nickles or pennies or whatever the fuck had the buffalo head on it, and like shit from the Civil War and all that.

But a quarter? Seriously? My dad was telling me - in all seriousness - that people were trading for these quarters and shit starting at $1.25 EACH. A quick bit of mental math will tell you that each quarter is "valued" at 500% of its actual circulation value.

What the fuuuuuuck?

I mean, like I said, super old coins are one thing - hell, I'd probably pay a little bit of money to have the coin that Andrew Jackson wore around his neck, assuming he had one, which is a bad assumption, as he hated the National Bank and fucked its charter in the butt repeatedly, but then again that would make such a coin even more valuable and badass - if it exists.

But I digress.

The day that I'm buying a quarter for anything more than twenty-five cents is the day that I get beaten with a stick until near dead. And then buried under a mountain of "valuable" quarters. Dammit, I feel stupid even saying that. "Valuable quarters." What the hell.

If I catch someone paying more than the face value for a coin that isn't older than their grandfather I'm kickin' their ass on pure principle!

You have been warned.


Stay classy

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