Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Facebook Apps Suck Donkey Scrotum

Hey readership. It's been a while since I've gotten a new reader (one that's announced their presence, anyway), but that all changed today, with my homeslice Osokow aka Bovice. Welcome, ya cunt (inside joke).

Bovice brought up a topic that's pissed me off for quite some time now, that being the Facebook notifications for random applications.

When I get a notification, not gonna lie, I get a little bit excited. As my lovely girlfriend Rebecca (aka R n' R) says when she gets a notification - "Ooooh! Somebody loves me!" I expect someone to have written on my wall, or commented on or "Liked" one of my pictures or statuses, or tagged me in pictures from awesome times I've had recently, or something to that effect.

But no. I've been invited to take a quiz to find out what type of hard liquor I am, or what kind of gun I am (and seriously what the fuck. There's a GUN that equates to me? Shut your mouth), or invited to be "bought" by a friend (what kind of friend buys another friend?), or someone's compared me to someone else and thought that the other person had better hair (like I give a fuck?).

I mean I know there are some people who would LOVE to know that type of shit, but I'm definitely not one of them, and it seems like there are a lot of people who feel the same way as I do. Nine out of ten times the application or quiz is absolutely retarded, and is just a waste of my life.

Here's a tip dumbasses: right after you take a quiz, there's the screen where you pick four friends or five friends or however many friends it takes - BUT there's a link to "Continue to Results" or "Skip." Do the fucking world a favor and click that. Otherwise there might be an angry mob outside your house ready to kick your ass.

And please, people, whatever you do.

Stay classy