Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Okay. I'm Gonna Hear it from a lot of People

Hey there readership. I've made a hard decision today. Let me explain.

As you all know, I have made my feelings perfectly crystal clear when it comes to the idea and implementation of Twitter.

I hate it.

A lot.

However, that said, I'm not one to ignore its potential for reaching the masses almost instantly. Even if 99% of the people who use it are probably updating it every five seconds on some dumb shit like "taking out the trash" or "OMG muffins" or "doing math hw" or whatever have you, that's not how I plan to use it.

That's right. No need to adjust your television sets, people, I'm openly admitting it - I have a Twitter account.

Or, I should say, Legally Blind Observations(tm) has a Twitter account. As sole proprietor (an absence of communication from Cletus has led me to fear that the poor old guy finally succumbed to the Beard Cancer . . . RIP), and Chief Observationalist of Legally Blind Observations(tm), I will be the one updating the Twitter ("tweeting," as it were) within moments of new Observations being posted, giving a teaser snippet of what the new post is about, and a link to the post itself, provided for your reading pleasure/disdain (I'll let you pick. It's only fair).

By the way. I am NOT a hypocrite, as the reasons and arguments I cited in the link above outline uses of Twitter that I do not condone and will not perpetrate personally. So I'm free from hypocrisy. Bitch.

So yes. Log on to your little Twitter accounts and start following fredtheobserver.

I will be using Twitter to promote a blog wherein I bash and openly despise Twitter.

Pray the world doesn't implode.

And as always, but especially in these troubled times of Twittering tweets (and alliteration used in bad taste) . . .

Stay classy


  1. You obviously didn't read the post past "I have a Twitter." Let me reiterate:
    "By the way. I am NOT a hypocrite, as the reasons and arguments I cited in the link above outline uses of Twitter that I do not condone and will not perpetrate personally. So I'm free from hypocrisy. Bitch."
    (I'm not calling you a bitch personally. Just in case you were wondering).
    Also. The only non-Legally Blind Observations "tweet" I've made was, and I quote, "Granny porn?" Which, if you'd follow the link to how I feel about Twitter (found in the second line of the post above), is one of the things I swore to "tweet" in the unlikely (but evidently inevitable) event that I got a Twitter.
    So no, sir/madame, as I stated previously, I am NOT a hypocrite.

  2. And please, just for the sake of courtesy, if you're going to leave a comment, please leave your name. If you feel strongly enough to comment, you should feel okay with giving your name. This anonymous person's comment of "hypocrite" was PROBABLY a friend being a jokester, and it's cool. I had one comment calling me ignorant and basically trying to bitch me out, where the commenter left no name. That's a pussy move. If you're going to say anything at all - whether praise or bitchin' out - please leave your name.


  3. And I was right. The anonymous "hypocrite" comment came from my good friend and partner in crime Bovice. Jackass. Haha
