Say what you want about the little boys, the black-to-whiteness, the dangling babies out of windows, naming his kid "Blanket" - whatever. Michael Jackson revolutionized the concept of what a music video could and couldn't be with "Thriller" and inspired a generation of dancers with the moonwalk. Without Michael Jackson, there is no Justin Timberlake. Without Michael Jackson, there is no Chris Brown. And we ALL know how much chicks be lovin' on Justin Timberlake and Chris Brown. Michael Jackson paved the way for them and many more stars with his signature dance moves and "make ya wanna move" songs.
Eccentricities aside, Michael Jackson was an amazing musical artist, dancer, and entertainer. He will be missed.
Christ... it feels so odd talking about him in the past tense . . .

RIP Michael Jackson
August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009
Stay Bad, MJ
And as for you, readership...
Stay classy
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