Sunday, June 14, 2009

Oh, Modern Music . . .

Let's play a game. I'm going to take a modern song and break down its lyrics. It'll be fun for everybody!

Well, everybody except Waffles.


The song is "Tattoo" by Jordin Sparks, and I'm going to focus on the chorus. Enjoy!

I can't waste time so give it a moment
I realized nothing's broken
Except your dreams of having a child! Read on!

No need to worry about everything I've done
Live every second like it was my last one
Oh, you'll be worrying in a little, trust me. And you should live every second like it was your last one, because after this, you'll see that it just might be! Read on!

Don't look back got a new direction
I loved you once needed protection
Yes, protection would've been a good idea, but noooo . . . Read on!

You're still a part of everything I do
You're on my heart just like a tattoo
Just like a tattoo
I'll always have you (I'll always have you)
In this, the heart is a metaphor for a vagina. And the tattoo is a metaphor for HERPES! Damn straight herpes is a part of everything you do!


Stay classy

Note: Just in case some stupid fuck-head tabloid writer sees this and puts it in the National Enquirer or some other gay-ass magazine, then gets sued for defamation of character and points the legal team back here to try and say I was his source, LET IT BE KNOWN THAT I AM KIDDING AND HAVE NO IDEA OF THE HERPES-STATUS OF JORDIN SPARKS' VAGINA. Thank you.


  1. i was wondering why it wouldn't be funny but i now understand stupid herpes

  2. Hahaha chea. I heard the song this morning and the realization that it was about herpes hit me and I had to put it up here
