Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Class Emails

Readership, as you very well know, there are quite a few things in this wide wide world of ours that piss me right the hell off. To name a few, bottled water, people who act retarded, Kanye West, stupidass commercials, newer Cartoon Network, and the Land Before Time.

But something that pisses me off more often than most things are stupidass people sending stupidass emails about class stuff. I'm going to quote an email that I received a little while ago.

"Do we have class this week?"

That's it. That's the entirety of the email. That and the name of the person who sent it (which I'll keep to myself because I'm not a douchebag). Now let's look at how FUCKING STUPID that is.

Without the name of the class, or what time the class is, or what day of the week the class is, there's almost nothing I can do - short of going through every single class I have, looking for the class we share, and then seeing if we have that class (which we inevitably do, because if we didn't, the professor is smart and courteous enough to SEND US AN EMAIL, thus eliminating the need for someone to email the entire class asking if we do or not).

It's just astounding that people actually think that people are willing to do all that shit just to help YOU out. Honestly, people don't give that much of a shit about you. If you want an answer, give enough information to make it easier for the person(s) you emailed to find it and help you, or at the very least give them enough information to give them incentive to do the little bit of legwork needed to see if the class is on for the week.

Ya dumb shit.

Oh. And I broke the record again for most posts in a month with a nice round sixteen.

Suck on that bitches.

Stay classy

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