Monday, September 14, 2009


Readership, there's something that's been pissing me off.

Females in general can have their boobies all hangin' out and wear super short skirts so their sexy legs are all out there and being sexy and whatnot, and it's all good. NOTE: I AM NOT COMPLAINING. KEEP DOIN' WHATCHA DO SEXY LADIES.

But I digress.

While all that's well and good, there's a bit of gender discrimination going on. While chicks can basically have their boobs or asscheeks anywhere from 80-90% visible, if a guy cops a boner - which in all situations but a specific and VERY SELECT few stays INSIDE PANTS - it's suddenly "ewwwww what the fuck is wrong with you!?" etc. etc.

Let's look at this shit for a second. So it's cool for chicas to have their boobs all out, but boners are icky? Not to be vulgar, but last time I checked, boners weren't icky when they were, y'know, inside you. Just sayin'.

And then, there's the fact that, as R 'n R noted, if chicks weren't barely wearing clothes all the time, dudes wouldn't be coppin' boners in your presence in the FIRST DAMN PLACE.

So shit. Give it a rest with the boner-hate ladies.


Stay classy

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